Saturday, October 29, 2011

Guest Opinion: Jerry Lewis' Smokescreen Finance Report

By Patrick Kennedy

Votes are pouring in for Olivia Cortes, who paid for her own campaign out of her own pocket. Jerry Lewis states he ?got no money from outside political committees?! Lewis expects us to believe he and his campaign are pristine. Here?s a REALITY CHECK. Someone legally placed signs for Cortes as a private citizen volunteer (did you ever place a bumper sticker on your car, hand anyone campaign material or see someone burning an American flag? What happened to the First Amendment? It?s almost gone, to the Progressive?s delight). The owner of the Cortes signs then got accused of fraud, while a foreign army of leftists invades LD18 in support of Lewis, and that?s supposed to be OK because they are politically correct but a private citizen exercising his or her constitutional right of free speech IS NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT? Who is he trying to phool?

Don?t tell us Lewis is not connected to outside leftist lobbying interests who come into LD18 and attempt to ?influence the outcome of an election?. This is an obvious ploy to overthrow the election process established to take care of business in an orderly way! Why isn?t Lewis demanding they get out and leave the LD18 citizens alone? They have an alternate agenda and found Lewis the ideal ?hopy-changy? candidate who runs on no platform, flip flops on positions but can?t tell you specific reasons to vote for him.

So now we have only one opposition candidate on the ballot just like Soviet elections have, making a mockery of democracy by harassing, intimidating and threatening to hurt and bankrupt any and all other candidates! They have a right to run when their friends urge them to just as Lewis has. We are witnessing the trampling on of our Constitutional rights with impunity because of liberal, activist judges who should be impeached.

Self-righteous Mormon Lewis converts to Alinsky Marxism so LD18 voters will be disenfranchised of their right to vote for any and all candidates under the watchful eye of both a leftist / activist Democrat judge and the ACORN-style community organizers from out of district and out of state.

?Justice has fallen in the streets? but awakened Hispanic voters continue to seal their ?protest ballots? for Cortes and against the smarmy puppet who refuses to cry out with indignation about violations to the U.S. Constitution and the RACISM and ABUSE suffered by his Mormon ex-opponent.

Where is the outrage at the destruction of constitutional rights of our citizens? Disenfranchised voters of LD18 should sue for damages and Cortes should special action the judge and file a civil rights suit. What happened in LD18 is not American politics, it is Alinsky?s Rules for Radicals action in our front yards and banging on our front doors.

Mesa City District 3 Supervisor Dennis Kavanaugh and Petsmart Chairman Francis Philip should extract themselves from the muck and mire enjoyed by the Bill Konopnicki?s who have the worst reputation of favoring outside political committee and leftist special interest groups. Kavanaugh can?t even run his own district in harmony with state law. District 3 used to be a preferential neighborhood and new move-in destination where Mesa Public School reputation for excellence was known nationwide. Now people are moving out; it has been rapidly becoming a ghetto with the nightly police ghetto bird circling overhead in support of 911 calls about criminal activity and drunks sleeping along Main Street.

But lately because of SB1070, Mesa is better than it was two years ago. Littering and graffiti instances are down. Theft of all kinds is down. One third of families have self-deported since the crackdown on illegal activity in the district, not from the City of Mesa, but from the state legislature. Mesa has made itself an unofficial and illegal sanctuary city where the Mesa Police Department refuses to cite Hispanic offenders because they fear the U.S. Department of Justice coming into town with their nationwide program to sue any police department that MIGHT show a pattern of discrimination against a minority.

Lewis won?t stand against the Feds; he is a lackey bean counter who campaigns on ?Why can?t we all just get along?? What we need is a champion for right who has the trenchant zeal of a crusader to lead the fight against the Marxist Federal Administration and Executive Branch in Washington. Oh, we already have one! Lewis and his ilk don?t clean up sleaze and crime?they help to Grind Down America to a third world status and thus help destroy the very republic that elevated them to the stature of liberty which they now enjoy.

No outside connection to leftist thuggery? Jerry, it?s time to be honest and run a truly honest campaign.


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