Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Book Excerpt: Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! by Tamara ...

  • Book Teaser Spotlight: Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! by Tamara Elizabeth

    4114 readers Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! by Tamara Elizabeth Trail Blazing Press Self-Help; Motivational Produced by Pump Up Your Book Purchase the book at Amazon This is my story, a story of a woman who has discovered how through my reflections, the truly fabulously lovable me; the authentic me that I was born to be. I have moxie

  • Old Bones, New Flesh: Building a novel from a fairy tale concept

    1431 readersI blogged last month about myths, legends and fairy tales: the wisdom they contain and how they can be a wellspring for all kinds of storytelling. This month I?ll talk about building my new novel, Heart?s Blood, from the structural framework of my favourite fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. First up, I had no intention

  • Unusual Words Defined: A ? Z (Part D)

    463 readersA continuation of the series.Drag?gle-tail`:n. 1. A slattern who suffers her gown to trail in the mire; a drabble-tail. From thefreedictionary.com

  • To Be Continued (We Hope)

    1495 readersI promise this is not a query. I need advice on how to split a long, continuous story up into more than one book!I recently completed a middle grade novel that took on a life of its own and decided to segue directly into a second book. In the sequel, ...

  • 6 Tips on Writing Picture Books (That May Just Warm Your Heart)

    6215 readersWe all know that it takes courage to write?to persist despite the endless stream of form rejections or the demons of doubt that constantly assail us. I think it helps to remember that the word "courage" comes from the French word La Coeur, meaning "heart." Below you will find a few tips to keep our writers? hearts brimming with

  • I Mean It?Want a Peanut? ? Rhyming Children?s Books

    1026 readersby Todd RutherfordThe children's book market is huge and many writers are drawn into this genre for a variety of different reasons. It is generally considered to be easier to break into the children's market and the demand for these books is quite high...

  • More Classic Kids Books Hit the Apple App Store

    14159 readersChildren?s books have been a popular choice for publishers looking to make apps out of books ever since the iPad launched in April 2010. The latest publishers to join the game are Random House and Penguin?s Children?s books. Random House is bringing its Little Golden Books? library to iTunes app format this fall. The first

  • moxie: Dictionary.com Word of the Day

    7059 readersmoxie: vigor; verve; pep.

  • 5 Things You Should Know About The Bone Trail

    3942 readers5 Things You Should Know is one of Literarily Speaking?s newest features. Here we find out five things about books, writing, publishing, the sky?s the limit? right out of the author?s mouth. Today?s guest is Nell Walton, author of The Bone Trail. ?????????????????????????????????? 5 Things You

  • giselle_book

    Seven Tips to Help You Find Your Happy Ending

    1521 readersWhen I was younger I used to write short stories with a passion. Somewhere along the course of life, and new responsibilities the ability became dormant. Finding a way to end my stories created turmoil. My journals are filled with beginnings, and middles. Even as I read my partial tales, I too wonder what happened

  • Source: http://workflowwriting.com/638788/book-excerpt-fabulously-fifty-and-reflecting-it-by-tamara-elizabeth.php

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