Friday, August 19, 2011

Tips 4 Eliminating Cellulite ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

Getting rid of cellulite can be difficult. Cellulite is commonly looked at like a deadly disease, the truth is that it isn?t an actual medical condition. The term ?cellulite? is merely a term used to describe the appearance of fat under the skin. Cellulite can affect the young, older people, the thin and the obese. It has been realized that cellulite is made up the same as deeper subcutaneous fat deposits, it is only closer to the surface and as a result.

Cellulite most often occurs in the hips, rear end area, thighs and arms of women and can get worse for women predisposed to it as they mature. Visually, cellulite often appears like an orange peel or worse, cottage cheese. This unwanted effect is what leads so many to look for treatments for getting rid of cellulite.

Why the skinthe skin appears cottage cheese like is related to fibrous structures that are connected to the muscle?s outer sheath, called septa. Think of the septa as a net, and then imagine the net full of something. When the net is full it takes on a bumpy shape. When the fat cells become larger, the septa ?net? only becomes tighter and tighter while the fat pushes against the skin. Reducing cellulite requires structural changes to the septa and the fat within it.

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