Saturday, August 13, 2011

Organize for Life: Modern Methods @ Shelter ... - Shelter Architecture




Back To School time is right around the corner, and it?s always a good time to get you and your kids organized.

This next video from our Live Better Series lectures on organization features Sarah Salo-Huges. She is the Founder & Owner of Modern Methods, a consulting firm that specializes in organizational strategies and methods. Anyone with a busy lifestyle will benefit from the ideas and tips presented here.

Organization with Modern Methods

Modern Methods: For Your Modern Miscellany (?)

Sarah Salo-Hughes
Founder & Owner, Modern Methods
Biologically programmed to maintain order amidst all objects within view (honestly, she just can?t help it), Sarah is often caught mindlessly aligning book spines or tweaking a chair?s angle. Compulsive, maybe, but never a criticism. Simply, she has the ability to gently, yet shrewdly assess and amend the purpose and placement of objects, spaces, circulation and habitation. Whether for a home or business, she can deduce effective and efficient solutions for organizational problems at a myriad of scales. ?Organization? is an industry of goods and services, but a truly organized initiative requires personal maintenance and effort. That is why Sarah?s goal is to not just suggest products and purging, but to determine practical organizational goals for, and the most feasible means to preserve them.


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