When you look at the Western world today, it is easy to lose confidence in what you see. The United States government?s credit has been downgraded for the first time in its over two hundred year history. Japan is mired in the aftermath of the Tsunami, nuclear disaster, and attempted recovery.
Europe struggles with its own sovereign government debt problems and possible banking crisis that began in Greece, Portugal, and Ireland and threatens to overtake even Spain and Italy. You have even witnessed Great Britain wrestle with riots, looting, and fires in London and the other major British cities.
In light of all of this chaos that you watch unfold around the various nations of the West, you may feel like this is all too improbable to happen at once.
There is an orchestrated movement that uses these events to push the world towards a new global system of government called the New World Order. In the paragraphs that follow, you will learn why it threatens to overturn the economic and political dominance of the Western World.
What is the New World Order?
The New World Order is a movement to bring all of the the planet under a single cohesive government. This is based on a global agenda to replace the government of sovereign nation states such as the US, France, Russia, Great Britain, China and others with a single totalitarian global governance.
The ideology behind it calls this the highest evolution in the history of the world. To reach this end, the architects behind the New World Order use events in both finance and politics and operate through a number of front organizations to achieve their goals.
What is the History of the New World Order Concept and Movement?
The modern origin of the phrase ?New World Order? dates back to American President Woodrow Wilson and World War II era British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Both men employed the phrase to discuss new historical eras where larger international organizations such as the League of Nations and ultimately the United Nations could prevail.
They believed that as world wars destroyed the planet, people might understand the need for more world governance in order to prevent such destructive conflicts in the future. The hope that these global bodies could supersede petty national interests has only materialized in part, but it was a first step.
Other organizations and protocols were subsequently created in an attempt to move earth toward a new world order of global governance. NATO, the Breton Woods currency and financial system, NAFTA, the European Union, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade are not mere accidents in this evolution. They were the next steps in the process.
President George H.W. Bush brought back the use of New World Order as a phrase in the 1990?s. The G20 and the G7, or Great Twenty nations and Great Seven nations, are incarnations of the movement that attempt to control the world economy in two single sit down organizations that represent the major nations of the world.
The movement really gained traction after the global financial crisis that you saw erupt in 2007. Political leaders British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and revered American statesman Henry Kissinger argued for a new world order as part of the major international reforms that they advocated to reform the world?s financial system.
What are the Intentions of the New World Order?
The New World Order will phase out nation states one by one as you see them push towards larger international and supra national treaties and organizations. The movement aims to bring all financial transactions of banks and other institutions under the role of a global super regulator. This has already been approved and signed off on by the West.
You hear discussions to abandon the dollar as the world?s reserve currency as one of the chief agendas of the New World Order. This idea has actually been seriously contemplated at a secretive meeting that France, Russia, China, the Arab oil states, and other nations attended without the U.S. during the Financial Crisis of 2007 to 2009.
Their proposal is to move to a single world currency that no one nation state issues, but that a single world body like the International Monetary Fund manages. They would replace the U.S. dollar with a unit of currency called the SDR?s, or special drawing rights of the IMF.
A major obstacle of the New World Order is the super power of the U.S. and its allies. The members of the world wide movement understand that they must remove the U.S. as the world?s policeman in order to achieve this.
The New World Order aims to see the nations of the West fade away in favor of a world government. This way the single government will be able to put what it perceives to be the interest of the good above those of individual nationalist interests that cause competition, strife, and inequality.
What Are the Downsides of The New World Order?
There is a real fear among critics of a world government that this New World Order will lead to mass surveillance of people on a level never before seen in history. If you do not believe that this is possible, then consider that democratic Great Britain employs 14 million cameras and adds more daily in order to monitor their sixty million citizens. RFID tags and implantable microchips that the company Digital Angel produces in the United States can track any person who carries them at any time and in any place. The ability to abuse the power of mass surveillance in order to protect the interests of the greater good is very real already.
The new world order also restricts the rights of individuals to freely practice capitalism. It abhors the idea that a few rogue traders and hedge funds can gang up on a small nation like Greece and attack its bonds in order to make enormous profits. This has happened again and again to countries like Iceland, Portugal, Ireland, and may even spread to Spain and Italy before long.
You may feel that it is your financial right to buy and sell gold, silver, bonds, and stocks freely across the globe. The new world order disagrees if this causes instability, chaos, and panic. This is why you have seen the implementation of naked short selling rules in the United States and Europe. It also explains new regulations in the U.S. called the Frank Dodd Reform Act that prevents people who are residents of the United States from owning Foreign Exchange accounts based in other countries.
Does the New World Order Have any Positive Aspects?
There are some noble goals and intentions of the New World Order. They wish to eradicate disease and poverty on a global scale. The movement plans to stop wars as it eliminates nationalism and the sovereign nation state.
While you may not agree with the disappearance of the United States, Canada, or Britain as political entities, it is hard to argue with the benefits that the architects of the New World Order wish to bring to everyone. The problem will come if you choose to stand in the way of this New World Order.
Have you ever heard the phrase, ?The road to hell is paved with good intentions??
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Source: http://www.wealthbuildingcourse.com/systematic-destruction-western-financial-world.html
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