Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Massive Chinese IT Community CSDN Looking for Big Financing Round

Unless you?re a software developer, the last time you thought about CSDN was probably when it got hacked around a year ago and passwords for 6 million users were stolen. But despite that, the site remains one of China?s largest and most popular platforms for IT folks and other tech types. And now, in response to rumors that CSDN had closed a massive round of financing, the site?s chief editor has confirmed that it is indeed in talks with investors.

CSDN chief editor Liu Jiang did not reveal any details about the financing round or who the investors were, but said the company was currently in negotiations with investors. The rumor mill puts the probably financing round somewhere in the tens of millions of dollars, but of course, that?s just speculation for now as CSDN has not announced any official numbers or targets.

Hacking aside, there are plenty of reasons to invest in CSDN. The site has 24 million registered users and 500,000 registered companies signed up, and the company has a number of subsidiary publications and services in addition to the main CSDN site, including IT training and employment services. If CSDN is able to close a big financing round this year, it might even lend some credence to the other rumor floating around about the company ? that it is planning for an IPO in 2015 or 2016.

(via TechWeb)

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About C. Custer

C. Custer is the founder and editor of He also is a documentary filmmaker, and a freelance writer, reporter, translator, and video producer on all things China. You can follow him on Twitter as @ChinaGeeks


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