Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are Apple's New iPad Commercials Phoning It In?

S J United Kingdom says:

I really dont understand Apple's marketing department at all. Everything they advertise about the ipad and the iphone 5 as well, is and has already been available on Android based systems for nearly a year or more now, so they are not stating anything unique at all. Surely they must look at what competitors are doing?....Or maybe they are so arrogant that they dont think they have any competitors?....Well if that is the case, they are very stupid. The fact is that the ipad isn't anythings special and the ipad mini is actually a step backwards. Compare the display against a much cheaper Android tablet and you will see the difference straight away. The ipad mini is terrible when viewing movies and especially so when reading text.

February 18, 2013 01:12 PM # Reply

Source: http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2013/02/18/Apple-iPad-Alive-Together-Ads-021813.aspx

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