Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Please Save the Date, January 19, for Winter Gathering 4!

Get Ready for Winter Gathering 4,
Saturday, January 19, 2013, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.?Park County Public Library, Cody, Wyoming

Book Fair; readings by authors; writers? workshops; entertainment by the Sunset Drummers; Tae Kwan Do demonstrations; dancers from the Cody Center for the Performing Arts; music; keynote speaker Mike Mackey, historian and author; announcement of the Flash Fiction contest winners. The Bistro will be open for cookies and coffee.

Hurry! It?s not to late to sign up for the Flash Fiction contest. You could win some money. Flash fiction is short fiction, 250-500 words. Entrants can write on any subject they choose. See this link: Winter Gathering Bookfair: Flash Fiction.

Also, put your culinary and creative talents to work.? Organizations, businesses, individuals are all invited to enter the box social contest. Winners will share $200 in prizes! The containers may be purchased at silent auction during the Winter Gathering from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Friends of the Cody Library will assist. All proceeds benefit the library. Visit this link: Park County Library Foundation for an entry form.

Source: http://parkcountylibrary.org/2013/01/08/please-save-the-date-january-19-for-winter-gathering-4/

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