Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Future of Children's Mobile Computing | Latest Technical Updates

It is no shock that children love playing with gadgets. It seems that for most parents, the biggest perk of mobile devices is that the can keep their kids entertained most of the time, making it easier on them. So it should be no surprise that a tablet geared solely for children is on it?s way. Toys R Us recently unveiled its new tablet aimed for younger users, offering an alternative to the more expensive Apple and Android options.

The Tabeo

The Tabeo

The new tablet, the Tabeo, ?will reportedly be around $150, and will still offer most of the capabilities of your average tablet, like Wi-Fi access and a 7 inch screen. There are also 50 preloaded apps on the tablet, with access to 7000 more using the Android app store, as the tablet runs of the Android operating system. Given that this is geared for children, there will also be controls added for parents peace of mind. A native browser comes loaded that has the ability to be guarded by parents, and if the internet is accessed through another browser, the tablet alerts parents for extra safety.

There can also be limits on the tablets usage time, and days of use. This can help parents prevent overuse, as well as over access to apps like games, satellite television apps, and anything else that they want monitored. It will give parents more control over the mature use of this type of mobile technology. Allowing children to access this technology can be great for their development.

This move is another in the line of children becoming more and more tech literate. Children are having access to computers and technology at younger and younger ages, and it has so far been positive. If not abused, mobile technology can provide fun and entertaining ways to grow and learn. All of the educational apps geared specifically for childhood development has made the new shift in technology very exciting.

It is exciting to see how this trend will continue, and how technology for children will continue to grow and change. Giving children access like this to technology and gadgets will only help their technical literacy, and it is important for them to be given a chance to grow in this manner. With these opportunities given to them, it is only a matter of time until that turns into them being the next great tech developer. There are sure to be some questions raised as to whether or not this is the best practice for children or not, but I believe time will show how exceptional this will be.

Jordan Mendys is a tech and gadget blogger. He lives in NC with his wife.

Source: http://www.latesttechnonews.com/tech-news/future-of-childrens-mobile-computing/

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