Thursday, June 2, 2011

Health and Fitness Information : Contract Management Certification

A quick roar out to hCG weight loss for bringing this Associated Content Post!

Most people who want to lose weight understand the basic process ? expend more calories than you take in and you?ll lose weight. Some people are confident that they can research options, chose, implement and evaluate the success of any weight loss plan themselves, while others feel lost and intimidated by all of the available choices and would rather help navigating the weight loss waters. Here are some tips to help determine if you?re a weight loss loner or a weight loss program joiner.

Weight Loss Loners: Most successful weight loss loners are analytical by nature. They like puzzles and problem solving. It?s not too overwhelming for them to determine a safe and healthy calorie level, plan an exercise program, and research which foods and activities will get them there. Weight loss loners will likely even enjoy the process of keeping a food and exercise journal. Loners will likely find charting and analyzing their progress and making any necessary changes to be an enjoyable process. Weight Loss loners are not necessarily loners in real life. They aren?t anti social, but they are usually more willing and able to motivate themselves and obtain individual support from those closest to them rather than feeling they need to get their support from people who are initially strangers. Loners often find they are able to fulfill any need of being part of a team or group by joining a team sport ? which helps them simultaneously lose weight and reach out to others. The challenge and hard work of going it alone will actually motivate a weight loss loner whereas this process would likely intimidate or overwhelm a weight loss program joiner. Weight loss loners often really love the ?numbers game? challenge of crunching the calories in / exercise out weight loss formula. It?s very important for weight loss loners to do enough research and gain enough knowledge to make sure they are still getting a well balanced diet with enough calories.

Weight Loss Program Joiners: Weight loss program joiners usually cite their need for support as the top reason that they decide to join a weight loss group or program. Weight Loss Program joiners like to know that the people who surround them in their quest know what they are going through, have their backs and want to help. Joiners of course also obtain emotional support from those closest to them as well (spouses, family members, etc) but most joiners would rather receive specific weight loss support from experts and people experiencing similar challenges. Weight Loss Joiners also enjoy the resources, expert advise, and tools that are often included in comprehensive joint weight loss programs. Most joiners love that most of the research and evaluating are already done for them and the fact that they are usually given a short list of choices. This allows weight loss program joiners to still make choices, but in a safe, fail-proof way. In most weight loss groups or programs, the majority of the work and time goes into implementing the weight loss program and accepting support as you go along. You don?t have to worry as much about setting your own goals or evaluating your own foods or exercises. Weight loss program joiners also usually receive benchmark goals and motivation along the way, as well as continuous and evolving education. Weight loss programs can also help you successfully transition from a weight loss to a weight maintenance program.

Although it?s immensely helpful to understand whether you are inherently a weight loss loner or a weight loss program jointer, it?s also important to understand that you can change over at any time if your current program is not working for you. The most important aspect of any successful weight loss program ? whether you?re a weight loss loner or a weight loss program joiner ? is that you discover what works best for you and stick with it.


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