Saturday, May 14, 2011

The President's Secret Army (Taegan Goddard's Political Wire)

Marc Ambinder has a must-read piece on the Joint Special Operations Command,
the secretive and elite command responsible for the operation that led to the
death of Osama bin Laden, noting that the "story of how JSOC works is
essential to understanding not only how the world's most-wanted terrorist
ended up dead but also how this president and future presidents are likely to
wage war."

"Presidents have a special relationship, legally and personally, with the
country's elite special-missions units. In secret annexes to several
presidential directives, JSOC is designated as the official executive agent
for counterterrorism worldwide. It nominally reports to the Defense secretary,
but the president can task it directly and often does... It is extraordinarily
difficult to figure out what JSOC is doing. Its missions are classified, and
Congress applies only a light layer of oversight because legally, in wartime,
JSOC's covert activities are not subject to congressional notification, unlike
even the CIA's most sensitive operations."

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