Have you really thought about all the applications of ?new technology? and how pervasive it is in our lives?
Like you I deplore the application of new technology to the Killing Machine, but I know a lot more people personally who are alive today thanks to ?new technology? than I know that have been killed by it. That includes things like air bags, cell phones, medicines, GPS, etc., etc., all of which were used by these people to save their or others lives.
Also, I know a lot more people whose quality of life has been improved by ?new technology,? including things like hip and knee replacements, heart valves, artificial limbs and so forth.
And then of course there?re all those whose lives are much more productive ? with less environmental impact ? due to ?new technology,? and those examples are as self-evident as the computer screen in front of you.
Finally, I should add that I have my left leg today, instead of having it amputated near the hip, due to ?new technology,? so I?m not about to discredit it too much!
Source: http://asktechgeeks.com/1700/embargo-technology/
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