Monday, July 15, 2013

Many Triad animal shelters at capacity

Summer breeding season is taking a toll on Triad animal shelters, forcing many to get creative with adoption incentives to avoid euthanizations.

Davidson County Animal Shelter holds about 160 animals a day, and is currently at capacity between animal rescues, cruelty cases and stray animals off the street.

Guilford County Animal Shelter currently has 1,500 in their shelter, which is 500 more than the listed capacity.

For the entire month of July, Guilford County Animal Shelter is selling all animals, including hamsters and rabbits, at half price to help promote adoption.

?Unfortunately we can?t adopted ourselves out of the situation. There are way too many animals for the number of families that can adopt,? said Guilford County Animal Shelter Director Marsha Williams.

Although all counties work with the community to place foster families with pets and adoption strategies, every day dogs and cats are euthanized due to space restrictions and health conditions. Depending on the current adoption rate, Guilford County euthanizes four to thirty animals per day.

Forsyth County Animal Shelter is at capacity of approximately 200 animals and is working with local companies to reduce rate for spay and neuter procedures, as well as hiring photographers for the shelter?s website to capture a family?s eye to adopt.


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