Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Woman died after 'fall' at Reading FC Christmas party at Madejski ...

A WOMAN found dead after a Christmas party at Reading Football Club died from head injuries, police said.

The 22-year-old partygoer was found at the bottom of a fire escape stairwell at the Premier League club's Madejski Stadium.

Cops said her injuries are consistent with a fall from height.

She was discovered at 12.50am in the Millennium Madejski Hotel, which forms part of the football ground.

The woman was pronounced dead at the scene. Next of kin have been informed but she has not yet been formally identified.

A Thames Valley Police spokesman said a post-mortem examination by a Home Office pathologist was carried out last night.

Detective Inspector Phil O?Neil said: ?We are continuing to treat the woman?s death as unexplained and are progressing a number of lines of inquiry in order to fully understand the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident.

?Inquiries such as this can take some time but we are keeping the woman?s family fully informed of our progress."

Madejski Stadium

Tragic ... party was at hotel joined to ground

Vagner Vidal / INS News


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