Sunday, December 16, 2012

Car bomb kills 2 in disputed northern Iraq region

(AP) ? Iraqi authorities say a car bomb explosion near a Kurdish party office has killed two people in a disputed city north of the capital.

Police officials said the blast Sunday targeted the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan office in Jalula some 125 kilometers (80 miles) northeast of Baghdad. Another five people were wounded in the attack.

Both Arabs and Kurds claim Jalula, and a local policeman said the violence resulted from the tensions. He did not explain further, but mostly Arab Sunni insurgents have made use of ethnic rivalries.

Medics in nearby hospital confirmed the casualties. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity.

The PUK is headed by the Iraqi president Jalal Talabani, who announced a plan last week to ease the military between the central government and Kurdish authorities.

Associated Press


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