Sunday, October 28, 2012

Video: Storm could impact early voting

>>> some folks riding the waves here along the virginia beach . the storm surge now moving in this area. this monster storm is an october surprise , the likes of which we have never seen before, the closing days of a presidential race , it's already having an affect on both sides. peter alexander is traveling with the romney campaign tonight. he's in marion, ohio. peter good evening.

>> reporter: the storm has already shaken up this race between the candidates, the running mates and their wives, more than a dozen events have been cancelled. in the campaign's waning days, president obama is forced to juggle dual responsibilities, ensuring to the nation's readiness for hurricane sandy while campaigning. asked if it would affect early morning .

>> we don't anticipate that at this point.

>> reporter: the storm is already having an impact on some early voting , a key to success for many campaigns. both campaigns today announce a halting-

>> i know that right now some people in the country are a little nervous about a storm about to hit the coast and our thought and prayers are with the people who will find themselveses in harm's way.

>> meanwhile both campaigns are touting a string of endosment.

>> reporter: and governor romney is scheduled to arrive at this event in marion ohio. the president is already en route to florida, that's a day earlier than planned, so he can be present for an event scheduled for tomorrow.


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