Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Content Marketing Strategy That Works | Small Business ...

Posted on 29. Oct, 2012 by Brian Clark in Blog, content marketing, conversion, Featured, Small Business Internet Marketing, Small Business Marketing

Image of Scribe Ebook Cover

It?s time to get strategic about your content marketing.

After all, it?s one thing to create compelling content that spreads via social media and ranks well in search engines. It?s quite another for that content to build an audience that builds your business.

The key to making that happen? Building authority thanks to that audience.

With that goal in mind, I?m happy to announce another free ebook for you. This is the second installment in a series I?m writing to give you a solid road map to developing a content marketing initiative that works.

This time I lay out a 7-step process that provides you with a solid strategy framework. There are also checklists of tasks and tactics within each of the seven steps.

In this quick 18-page read, you?ll discover:

  • The strange trick authority does to your prospect?s brain
  • How to become more important than the ?experts?
  • Why Google keeps getting better at mimicking offline authority
  • What to focus on for better search engine rankings (it?s not what you think)
  • The 7-step process all effective content marketing follows
  • What a minimum viable audience is (and how to get one)
  • The ?unfair advantage? that comes from content marketing

There?s also a nifty forward by Sonia Simone. Click here to get access.

Get months of education from us ? at no charge

You get instant access to A Content Marketing Strategy That Works when you register for the Scribe Content Marketing Library. If you missed the first ebook in the series (The Business Case for Agile Content Marketing), you?ll get instant access to that as well.

And you?ll also receive all the ebook installments that follow, plus webinars, audio seminars, and other educational resources ? all free. Up next in the series from me (coming in a few weeks):

How to Create Content That Converts

How to Tell a Story Over Time that Transforms an Audience Into Customers and Clients

Register today to get instant access plus each new installment.

About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Copyblogger Media. Get more from Brian on Twitter and Google+.

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Tags: Small Business Internet Marketing

Source: http://www.frontlinemarketingsystems.com/blog/small-business-marketing/a-content-marketing-strategy-that-works/

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