Friday, February 24, 2012

Girls are confusing - Sexuality and Relationships - Shroomery ...


Registered: 02/07/12
Posts: 22
Last seen: 10 hours, 28 minutes

This is just kinda venting while looking for some answers too. Please no ass hole answers, if you think its retarded just move on.

So i met this girl, very cute girl. The kind that (atleast for me) when i see i kinda assume that i have no chance. Anyways blah blah blah shes georgeous and once we started talking i realized how awesome she really is. So we've been talking for a month or so. As highschool as it sounds, we text a lot. And everytime we talk i always initiate the conversation, weather its texting or calling. I didnt talk to her for a few days thinking " okay if she really still wants to talk then She will eventually initiate the conversation." But The confusing part is that everytime we talk shes real flurty and always telling me how sweet i am and everything. Makes no sense.

We almost never hangout! She talks like she wants to but It never ends up happeing, which i also dont get because everytime we have been together we,ve had lots of fun. I'm Ligitimataly confused!! Help/insight appriciated


I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix


Registered: 02/24/05
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What do you and a magic 8 ball have in common?

1. Kinda boring but safe
2. Give random arbitrary advice if needed
3. Cheap and quick entertainment in the form of text
4. Not really that special
5. Disposable, it would be easy to go get another one

Are you being played?

Truth hurts mate, don't believe me then I don't give a shit.

ranger Stranger
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It doesnt take a month to turn a girls switch to the "on" position.

She may really have come to like you or respect you as a person but if you fail to escalate she will lose interest in you.

I know from experience. you have to be the one to initiate contact, every relationship needs you to put more into it than you will ever get out of it.



Registered: 02/07/12
Posts: 22
Last seen: 10 hours, 28 minutes

I dont mind initiating the conversation but i feel like since i do every single time maybe she doesnt want to talk and is just annoyed but wont tell me since thats what shy girls do in a new relationship. I guess its just something you go for and either win or loose

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix


Folding@home Statistics
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What do you mean by "go for it"?? How would you presumably go about executing this?? I just want to get an idea about where your head is at.

In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught.
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What do you want to do?? You are testing her, which means you are playing a game, and she's not playing back.? Doesn't sound like she's terribly into you.?

You can keep initiating contact and see where it goes, or you can let the experiment go.? There is a pretty good chance she won't ever text you back if you leave it to her.? It sucks but it's a real possibility.


the way out is through
? ?


Registered: 02/07/12
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Well in this case i just meant to continue talking to her regaurdless if shes interested or not because i cant know until she tells me! And from the conversations we've had i havent gotten the vibe that she doesnt want to. Honstly i dnt even know if anything i am saying is making any sense. Im just so damn foggy headed...i guess haha

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix


Registered: 02/07/12
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fbi365 said:
What do you want to do?? You are testing her, which means you are playing a game, and she's not playing back.? Doesn't sound like she's terribly into you.?

You can keep initiating contact and see where it goes, or you can let the experiment go.? There is a pretty good chance she won't ever text you back if you leave it to her.? It sucks but it's a real possibility.

This makes sense. Lets end it with this and ill grow a pair and see what happens :thumbup:

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix

Anonymous #1

I've had to be the initiator of texting/calling with girls before. Sometimes I ended up getting laid and the girls? liked me just fine. But yeah, if I were you, I'd go a while without sending her something.

The more iffy part though is that she doesn't want to hangout.

If you're gonna get her, step up your game. Takes some risks, be free around her, reject fear that you might lose her. Up your swagger around her and see what happens. Make a move if you get the chance. Flirt and shit, tease her, find ways to let her know you think she's sexy.

Don't want her, get her.

Edited by Anonymous (02/22/12 03:15 AM)


Registered: 02/07/12
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Anonymous said:
The more iffy part though is that she doesn't want to hangout.

If you're gonna get her, step up your game. Takes some risks, be free around her, reject fear that you might lose her. Up your swagger around her and see what happens. Make a move if you get the chance. Flirt and shit, tease her, find ways to let her know you think she's sexy.

Don't want her, get her.

I see where your coming for sure but I feel like I already do this. I know for a fact that she know i think shes sexy, I've told her multiple times. The flirting is there too. I dont know, like i said im just gonna grow a pair and make it happen.

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix

Bass in Your Face

Registered: 08/25/10
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when i first started seeing my ex, thats what it was like

it was always me starting it and i wanted to see if she woul actually hit me took her about one day of not seeing me for her to hit me up

so that worked out for me but idk, bitches are sneaky, dint trust em...there always seems to be a hidden agenda


Registered: 02/07/12
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Bassfreak said:
bitches are sneaky, dint trust em...there always seems to be a hidden agenda

Hahaha exactly. God damn why dont they understand guys like to keep things simple?

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix

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Registered: 01/07/11
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1 stop playing the game.
2 ask her if shes seeing anyone. you dont have to be blunt about it if you do.
3 if she is or isnt ask her if she wants to catch a few drinks sometime.
instead of connecting through text, connect with her through actual talking face to face.
then you'll both know if you wanna take it more than friends(assuming shes single).


"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness;

Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost."

Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth,

"you owe me."

Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.

Party On.

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If you just want a texting relationship, I am sure you can find plenty of stupid girls to do this, but it's nothing but a big waste of time.

People that live busy productive lives don't sit there and text about bullshit, this is for children.

If she does not want to hang out, dump the bitch, why waste time on her?? Time to grow a set of balls dude.


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Shapeshifta said:
I know for a fact that she know i think shes sexy, I've told her multiple times.

Unless your someone that she is already interested in, this probably was not a good thing.? It's obvious she's not crushing on you so complementing her like that weakens your position.? You probably gave up any shroud of mystery surrounding your attraction for her.? No mystery -> no tension -> no fun.

Super attractive women get complimented constantly, that was your chance to set your self apart from every other text-buddy she's ever had.

In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught.
~Hunter S. Thompson~

Anonymous #2

I want what you are looking for too...
To know the other person is as into you as you are.
If not, please just tell me so I will stop wasting my time.
As a girl I will say this.
I have done exactly what she is doing, I wasn't that interested in the person. Fun to talk too, and when I was in a weak state of mind he was there. I din't have a heart to break it to instead I crushed his heart as my heart is crushed now.
What goes around comes around.

The Eye Tyrant
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Telling her multiple times that she's sexy weakened your game dude. Believe me, she remembers each times you told her. You handed the ball over to her and told her what you were interested in, sex.

Girls that are hot don't need to be told. They would rather hear things like "You look nice" or "wow, you look really good tonight".

Not "damn baby you are sexy!"

My Grow Logs


Registered: 02/07/12
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Most of you guys dont understand the situation how it is, which is my fault for not explaining it that well. Regaurdless, like i've said twice, im just growing a pair and doin my shit

I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to
? ? ? ? -Jimi Hendrix

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Or maybe she is simply not attracted to you.? That is what it sounds like.


Registered: 05/13/05
Posts: 508

ya, go stick your dick innnit to see if there's anything there.

most girls hate you if you dont dick her in the first 5 minutes, just a fact.


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