Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cameroon: longtime leader to run for re-election (AP)

YAOUNDE, Cameroon ? Members of Cameroon's ruling party say the longtime leader will run for re-election after nearly 30 years in office.

A delegation of ruling party members on Sunday submitted documents to election officials on behalf of President Paul Biya.

Party secretary-general Rene Emmanuel Sadi says "the president of the republic has answered the people's call" to run in the Oct. 9 poll in the West African nation.

Biya has been president since 1982 and is considered one of Africa's remaining strongmen. He changed the constitution so he can run again this year.

Cameroon's parliament in July adopted a new law allowing citizens living overseas to vote in the presidential election, a move that could step up pressure on Biya. The government estimates that as many as 5 million Cameroonians reside abroad.


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