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Thursday, September 22, 2011
Burning Man: Naked people and niceness prevail.
The Nicest, Nakedest People on Earth
By Seth StevensonPosted Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, at 10:43 PM ET
The truly interesting thing about Burning Man isn't the large-scale, neon, interactive art. Or the bowel-wobbling bass mixes from the techno DJs. Or the battle for survival against the blazing sun, the sudden dust storms, and the dehydrated desert air.
Don't get me wrong, all those things can be fascinating. Particularly if you're on mushrooms. But to me, the most intriguing aspect of the event is the group effort by Burners to create a new culture?one in which the rules of the societal board game have been slightly tweaked.
For instance, among the guiding principles of Burning Man is that participants must "leave no trace." This means, somewhat counterintuitively, that there are no garbage cans in any of the public spaces. You are expected to pack out of the desert any waste you create that hasn't come from inside your body.
Folks are serious about this. Cultural norms get enforced. People shout "MOOP!"?meaning "Matter Out Of [shouldn't this be an O and not a 0?] Place"?whenever someone drops a glowstick or a set of fuzzy bunny ears on the ground.
This practice had profound effects on the way I viewed things like product packaging. Tearing open a granola bar for a snack while you're out wandering past 70-foot-long praying mantis sculptures means stuffing the empty wrapper in your backpack, bringing it back to your camp site, and eventually lugging it out with all your other trash inside your car trunk. Whenever anyone offered me beer I was of course grateful?but I also couldn't help but contemplate the fact that I'd need to crush the empty cans and tote them around in my pack all day. Even an apple core became an enemy.
There are several other deliberate cultural differences. Perhaps the most immediately apparent is the tolerance of nudity. Nudity comes in all shapes, sizes, and genders at Burning Man. Twenty-year-old women wearing nothing but sequined hot pants. Seventy-year-old men wearing nothing but pith helmets. People of every sort wearing nothing but knee-high, rainbow-fur boots.
At times the nudity can feel political. The "Critical Tits" bike ride featured hundreds of topless women, on bicycles, making a vague statement about torso equality. To my amazement, gazing at that many breasts at once actually managed to de-eroticize them. (For a few hours, anyway. And please let's not talk about all the dudes eagerly snapping photos or?it was rumored?engineering a bumpy stretch of sand to enhance jiggle-osity.) Most of the women in my camp remained fully clothed all week, but a couple of gals whipped 'em out on Critical Tits day in what seemed to be an act of sisterly solidarity.
The counterpart male bike ride, "Critical Dicks," was a tidal wave of schlong. And no one cared. Save perhaps for people who might wish to sit on those bicycle seats (many of them presumably rentals) in the future.
There was, however, one form of nudity that everyone seemed to agree had no place within the Burning Man community. This is the type of nudity known as "shirtcocking." Shirtcocking is when a man wears a top but is naked from the waist down. I have also heard this look referred to as "the toddler," or "Porky Pigging."
For reasons that are hard to fully explain?if you've witnessed the phenomenon you know this is true?shirtcocking is disquieting to the observer's soul. Visually disturbing to an extreme degree. People at Burning Man are so averse to shirtcocking that I saw several posted signs vehemently denouncing the practice. And yet there were shirtcockers.
Shirtcocking aside, the culture of Burning Man is generally free of judgment, and thus tends to encourage experimentation. People try on new personas. They take stupefying amounts of drugs. They make out with total strangers.
Sometimes the experimentation seems ill-advised. A campmate who went inside an orgy tent told me he saw two men near him engaged in what he termed "vigorous, unprotected sex. The kind that spreads bad diseases."
Other forms of experimentation seemed pretty harmless. "I got spanked today," a friend announced to us when he returned to camp one afternoon. "I figured I should see if I liked it. I mean, maybe I like to get peed on, too, but I've just never known that because I've never tried it."
"I doubt it," said one of the girls. "I think whatever you masturbate to, that's what you want. But whatever. Did the spanking do it for you?"
"Not really. It kind of hurt. It still kind of hurts."
For better or worse, I never strayed too far outside my comfort zone. One of my campmates urged me to give public nudity a try?on when-in-Rome grounds. He said he'd taken a leisurely, naked bike ride around the perimeter of the city and quite enjoyed himself.
I've never personally had the urge to just hang out with my wang out, and that hadn't changed since I'd gotten to Burning Man. But late one night I biked deep into the desert, turned off my headlamp, and removed some clothes. It may have been solely for the benefit of the Federal Bureau of Land Management rangers who surveil the desert with night-vision goggles. But let it be said: Reader, I shirtcocked. And I sort of liked it.
My favorite of Burning Man's 10 guiding principles (you can read the complete list here) is the directive commanding "radical inclusion." In practice, this means that everyone is welcome to take part in every formal event and even every informal shindig. No one gets made fun of?at least not publicly?for the way they look or what they wear or their preferences with regard to sexual congress.
It's pretty delightful when you see this actually work. For instance, gays and straights partied together all the time. (Absent the directive, I suspect that it's more likely the gays who would have shunned the straights than vice versa?the gays were way cooler.) When I went with some pals to the Madonna dance party at the suggestively named Pickle Bar, I never once felt the least out of place. This despite the fact that I was wearing a shirt, my pecs were not tanned and oiled, and I had on a pair of shorts with an inseam that extended past my testicles.
The overall warmth of the interactions at Burning Man is off the charts, fostered by an event-wide agreement that everyone endeavor to be kind and accepting. When one amateur musician's electric backing tracks crashed, and he was left nervously hemming and hawing on stage, a woman in the audience shouted, "We love you!" and ran up to give him a big hug. She was adorably dressed in a pink wig, pink windbreaker, and pink skirt, and as she started swaying around the stage the musician created an impromptu song to accompany her. The crowd clapped along, and laughed and cheered. This turned out to be my favorite live performance of the week. It wasn't because of the music or the dancing. It was because of the lovely moment of humanity we were all a part of.
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The Nicest, Nakedest People on Earth
By Seth StevensonPosted Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, at 10:43 PM ET
Entry 1: Photograph of people in body paint by Mike Nelson/Getty Images. Photograph of cars waiting to get into the city by Sam Wolson for Slate. Photograph of Burning Man costumes by Sam Wolson for Slate.
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VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get ...
This piece of writing sheds some light on "VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get With VoIP or the Internet Voice?". Even though a large amount of the time this matter has not been handed down it's due share in the media but at the present masses are chatting regarding VOIP and sharing information regarding VOIP. It is highly suggested that you take your time reading through this composition instead of speed reading it, which might lead to some missed points.
This article is work of Abraham David. If you would like to take this article please link back to this web page. Article on "VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get With VoIP or the Internet Voice?" starts after this.
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VoIP is one of the latest buzzwords in the communications technology today. It is something that more and more people are using in order to communicate with their family, friends, and acquaintances. It is also a technology that more and more businesses are now using to communicate with their clients and business associates.
So, what is it with VoIP that it is now gaining more and more popularity with the people today? First of all, VoIP is quite much like your standard telephone system. However, instead of transmitting analog signals through wires, VoIP converts your voice to digital signals and uses the internet to transmit it. This will mean cheaper and more efficient way to communicate.
VoIP also offers features that are impossible or expensive in conventional landline phones for free or for a very cheap price. If you call another VoIP user using the same VoIP services you are using, the call you place will be free. And, since VoIP uses the internet, long distance calls to landline phones and mobile phones are much cheaper than long distance fees in landline phones. In simple terms, affordability is the main advantage of VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol.
For example, if you use VoIP in your computer and you are from the United States and you want to call your friend in Europe but using the same VoIP software, the calls will usually be free.
Notice: Please beware that everything said in this write-up on "VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get With VoIP or the Internet Voice?" ought to not be taken as opinion from specialist, you must find out specifics from more authentic places as well. Proper consultant on "VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get With VoIP or the Internet Voice?" should be consulted before taking any action. is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.
Another great thing about VoIP is that it will include free features that conventional landline phones will usually charge you an extra fee for the service. Features such as caller ID, call waiting, call transfer, return call, repeat dial, and three-way calling can be provided in VoIP as a standard package for free. Some can even include video calls for free. This means that you will be able to see the person you are talking to by just using a webcam.
VoIP calls are also programmable in some software. This means that by using the caller ID features, you can give a particular caller a busy signal or redirect them to a particular number.
Now that you know how VoIP works in a general sense, you now have to know what is required in order to have one hooked up in your own home or in your office.
The first thing you need is a broadband internet connection. You need a high speed internet connection in order to efficiently get your calls to the other end without delays or lags. You will also need a home computer or an IP phone in order to start placing your calls through VoIP. When you are using your computer, all you need to have is a VoIP software program that can be downloaded for free over the internet. This software will act as your VoIP phone with numbered keypads. When using your computer, you will also need a microphone and a speaker.
However, if you prefer the traditional way of chatting in the telephone by using VoIP, you can get an IP phone system that is readily available through your VoIP service provider. Some service provider lets you choose between different models of an IP phone. Some looks like a standard telephone and some have video capabilities.
You can also convert your conventional telephone to a VoIP capable phone by installing a device called ATA or Analog Telephone Adapter. This converts the analog signal generated by your standard telephone to digital format to be transmitted in the internet.
Unlike IP phones where it already has an RJ 45 Ethernet connector, the standard phone has a standard RJ 11 connector. The ATA can let you convert your analog phone into a digital phone or VoIP capable phone by letting you connect it to the RJ 11 slot and the other slot will be the RJ 45 Ethernet connector where it will be used to connect to the internet or to your computer.
Now that you see all the benefits of VoIP, you can now consider getting one in your own home. However, you have to realize the fact that VoIP also has disadvantages. You have to consider that it is dependent on electricity and an active internet connection for it to work. So, in case of a power outage or a disconnected internet connection for any reason at all, you will not be able to use the VoIP phone system.
However, if your aim is cheaper long distance calls or free calls, and the free features integrated with VoIP phone systems, then getting VoIP installed in your home is the right choice. With VoIP you will be able to talk to your family and friends for a very long time without even worrying about the number of minutes consumed and without worrying about your phone bill.
Thanks for reading this write-up. If you are planning to take this piece of writing for your use in any way, please link back to this page. I hope you appreciated what I wrote on "VoIP Broadband Phone Service, What Kind of Benefits Can You Get With VoIP or the Internet Voice?". I would be delighted to know what you think regarding it, negative or optimistic. Please leave a comment below and show me you are alive.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Health and Fitness ? Three Health Tips to Overcome the Common ...
The common cold is one of the most common health ailments that we see each day. There can be many different signs and symptoms associated with the cold, such as coughing, headache, runny nose, body aches, fever, and fatigue. Chinese medicine has been shown to be effective for the treatment of the common cold. Chinese medical treatment for the cold can include acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition. In most cases Chinese medical treatments can resolve the cold within 1-2 days. These are three health tips according to Chinese medicine that can help you overcome the common cold.
1. The first tip is one of the easiest and cost effective. When you are experiencing a severe cough with or without sputum, some chest congestion, as well as regular cold signs such as headache and runny nose, then you can simply bake an orange. Go to you local grocery store and buy a good size orange. After you go home bake the orange in the oven at 375 degrees for half an hour. When the orange is cooked you can take it out peel it and eat it warm. The recommendation is to eat a baked orange at least three times per day. This will help warm the body and get rid of the cold. The orange is especially effective when you experience more coughing and chest congestion with your cold.
2. The second tip is effective when you have a sore throat or loss of voice. It is simply making a lemon tea. What you need to do is get a lemon and cut up some pieces put them in a pot of water. Bring the water with the lemon to a boil. Afterwards, add some honey to sweeten the lemon tea a little bit, then drink. The recommendation is to drink the lemon tea at least twice a day or as needed. The lemon tea will warm your body and improve your throat and voice.
3. The third tip is after you have tried some other things, but they are not helping the way that you would like them to. This tip is to go get some acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs will help you get rid of your cold almost within one day. The acupuncture will balance your body to promote your body?s self-healing mechanisms, and it will help with all of the signs and symptoms of the cold. The Chinese herbs that are indicated for sore throat, headaches, runny nose are also anti-viral and anti-bacterial. They will help you feel better and get rid of the cold virus.
These three simple tips and home remedies are effective for the cold according to Chinese medicine. When you are experiencing a common cold instead of taking cold medicine with lots of side effects try these three tips first and let your body heal naturally.
For more information on how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you with your common cold or any other health ailment?Click Here.
Tyehao Lu is a License Acupuncturist in Salt Lake City, Utah at Master Lu?s Health Center for more information?Go Here
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Low Vision Products On The Market | Articles On Insurance, Public ...
There are many low vision products on the market that have been designed for people with very poor eyesight. They can make a lot of everyday tasks much easier and they will give the visually impaired a chance at independence again. If you suffer in this way be sure to check out the range of aids that are available to you.
Poor vision can be brought on by a large range of diseases and complications that can occur in peoples lives. It could be a sudden worsening brought about by an accident or trauma or it could be caused by a disease like diabetes that gets gradually worse over time. Some countries are prone to particular diseases and infections that can damage the eyes.
When the vision has been impaired the sufferer will often be able to make out shapes, rough colors and outlines of objects. They will struggle to work out details and every day activities like reading a newspaper or book will be close to impossible. If this is the case for you, you could get a desktop magnifier which can enlarge text or image in order to make it easier to see.
It is not just leisure activities that can be challenging when you find it difficult to see. Even things like getting ready in the morning can be very difficult. To make this easier you can get a magnifying mirror which will help you to see clearly when applying make up, brushing your hair or your teeth or when you are trying to put jewelry on.
It is also possible to get portable versions of these devices that you can take with you outside of the home. These will help you to see labels and information in shops and read transport timetables or maps when you are travelling. You will no longer need to ask people all the time or take somebody along to help you.
Low vision products can enhance the quality of life for someone with eyesight problems. Treat yourself or your loved one to one of the many magnifying aids that are on the market and things will get a lot easier.
With the world becoming more visually based each day, eyesight is vital. Between computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices we are spending much of our time looking at monitors, and don?t forget our favorite TV programming either! If your vision is low and you would like to boost it then contact Enhanced Vision today for further info. They offer low vision assistance and products that can change your life.
Disclosure: Insurance is an article site, running affiliate advertisements within the site, for which we receive compensation from these advertisers running the ads. It is an independently owned site. The opinions expressed belong to the writer of the article, or link at the bottom of each post. Categories: insurance |
Tags: blindness, communication, contact lenses, eyesight, glasses, glaucoma, insurance, medical, parenting, self improvement, seniors, surgery, tips, vision |
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Monday, September 19, 2011
Cedar Beach Music & Arts Festival : Boating Times Long Island
Instead of listening to recorded music, enjoy the live entertainment on October 1 & 2 at the 21st Annual Music & Arts Festival at Cedar Beach in Mount Sinai Harbor.
This event, sponsored by the North Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce, boasts over 40 scheduled bands. There will be music for everyone from performers such as The Good Rats, Driven Rain, Josie Wales, and the Kerry Kearney Band.
In addition to the musical entertainment, enjoy kids? activities, arts and crafts, and culinary treats from a variety of food vendors.
Mount Sinai Harbor is located east of Port Jefferson. The entrance to the harbor is between buoys FI R4 on the west and FI G5 on the east.? Stay north of G C?11? if you are coming from points west.? Visit our routing tool online for a? detailed way point by way point route to Mount Sinai from your harbor!
Transient space is available within a few minute?s walk of the festival. Ralph?s Fishing Station offers transient moorings (631-473-6655, ask for Keith), and The Mount Sinai Yacht Club offers transient dock space (631-473-2993, ask for Jen); reservations are recommended.
For further information, contact Dr. Brian Yonks: 631-476-4855.
To view and download routes to the Cedar Beach-Mount Sinai Music & Arts Festival click on the link:
Filed under Day Trippers ? Tagged with 21st Annual Music & Arts Festival at Cedar Beach, boat, boating, boating + Long Island, boating kids, Boating magazine, Boating Magazine Long Island, boating on Long Island, boating times long island, Boating with Kids, Cedar Beach, day trip, day tripper, Day Trips, Destination Review, Dr. Brian Yonks, Driven Rain, Josie Wales, Kerry Kearney Band, LI boating magazine, Long Island, Long Island boating magazine, Long Island Sound, mount sinai harbor, Mount Sinai Yacht Club, North Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce, Ralph?s Fishing Station, The Good Rats, Trip Planning
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Shopping for Home Flooring on a Budget
The do This, Get That Guide on home flooring
There?s no doubt about it: Shopping for the floor of the house is fun. There are so many styles and colors available, you will be excited about new ways and creative that you can reinvent your home. What usually comes as a surprise is how the floor can be expensive. many people see the cost per square foot and multiply this number by the size of the room. but the cost per square foot is only one factor in the overall cost of the project. Knowing all the factors that influence the price floor will help you stay within a reasonable budget.
Some other factors that affect the total cost of floor covering installation, equipment, removal of existing flooring and furniture removal and setup. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep costs down without sacrificing the quality of the floor. The most important is the type of home flooring you choose. Some floors are known for value, while others are known because they are more expensive. Examples of budget-friendly flooring including laminate, vinyl and linoleum. This choice of flooring is durable, resistant and resistant to scratches and stains length. Another consideration is the type of flooring installation needs. For example, many people believe that affordable carpet, but once you factor in cost padding and installation of professional quality, costs can skyrocket. with options such as engineered wood flooring, and bamboo laminate, the cost for materials may be more expensive, but the floors can be installed on your own. And as someone who has completed a home improvement project knows, the cost of labor you will save enough /> to stay on budget, it?s also a good idea to choose a floor that is naturally strong. with a few such as carpets or laminate floors, there are different grades or qualities of the floor. This allows to choose the floor of lower quality that will not last you long. Some are naturally durable floor that does not matter the brand or price range you choose, including wood and ceramic. with a floor, it?s easier to have all the options laid out, knowing that you will get a quality floor no matter what.
For other factors that affect the cost of the house floor, consider taking part in removing some of the costs. For example, if you have a professionally installed floor, talking to retailers to see if you can remove the existing flooring and subflooring preparation prior to installation. This will often reduce the price by several hundred dollars. Just make sure that you always ask, because salespeople do not always offer this as a way to save money.
to keep the budget, it is very important that you compare prices, and not just among retailers. thanks to the internet, there are many ways to save money when buying flooring materials. Look through wholesalers to see if they have a floor that you like. You may be able to buy materials for a fraction of the cost. This is especially useful if you plan to install their own floors. also look through the retailers to see if they can offer competitive deals for the ?bundling? of materials and installation costs. The best way to be prepared is to ask lots of questions and other resources to take advantage of affordable prices.
Installing new flooring is always an investment, but the end result and the increase in home values ??far exceed the initial cost. but knowing how to save money without cutting corners on the quality of the floor will ensure your overall happiness with the project.
Problems with laminate flooring can arise if it is used in the wrong areas, such as placed in the kitchen that can get wet, causing the underlying material to swell and split. Discover why it can be difficult to replace small sections of laminate flooring withhelp from a professional carpenter in this free video on home improvement and flooring. Expert: Stephen G. Anthony Bio: Stephen G. Anthony is a professional carpenter, woodworker and handyman based in new York City and south Florida. Filmmaker: Paul Muller
Video tags: home flooring
We understand that original craftsman homes used Oak flooring. We?d like to keep the home looking and feeling original, but we love teak flooring. Would it ruin the feeling of an authentic craftsman home to use a warm/medium deep toned teak instead of oak? The teak we?re looking at is called Asian Teak and has red tones in it. Question by nutty
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Answer by Louisif you like teak, then by all means use. with a natural color stain it is nice. or use a darker stain to get that warn, cozy and welcome feeling.
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Sunday, September 18, 2011
WHO grapples with chronic disease ? Health & Fitness ? Bangor ...
LONDON ? Everyone knows what it would take to curb the global rise of chronic illnesses like heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes, but getting nations and their citizens to make the essential changes is more than daunting.
This week marks the first time the United Nations will tackle chronic diseases in a special summit in New York City, but it?s uncertain what the meeting will accomplish. There are no concrete targets and even if there were, there would be no teeth to enforce them. There?s no guarantee of money either.
On Sunday, the World Health Organization listed 14 solutions it says could save tens of millions of people. The price tag for all developing countries to adopt these measures is $11.4 billion every year ? a figure hard to raise amid a financial crisis.
Noninfectious diseases kill about 36 million people every year, mostly in poor countries. In every region except Africa, these diseases kill more people than the ones that spread like AIDS and tuberculosis. But WHO projects that by 2030, chronic diseases will overpower the other ailments, including AIDS, even in Africa.
The draft document for the U.N. meeting recognizes ?prevention must be the cornerstone of the global response.?
Yet there are no firm commitments to cut the number of deaths from chronic diseases or promises to bankroll efforts to combat the problem.
Ann Keeling, chair of the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance, said real progress isn?t possible without a specific goal.
?If you don?t have a target, you don?t know where you?re going or whether or not you?re going to get there,? she said. Keeling said officials should set an overall goal, like reducing the number of preventable deaths by 25 percent by 2025.
Previous efforts for infectious diseases led to specific strategies, like the campaign to put 3 million people on AIDS drugs by 2005 or the malaria strategy to get bed nets to everyone who needs them by 2015.
In contrast, the U.N. chronic diseases document simply calls for options to be submitted by the end of 2012 and says another meeting will be held in 2014 to assess progress.
Still, all of the WHO recommendations are cheap, with an average cost of under $1 per person per strategy. They include things like:
- Raising taxes on tobacco and alcohol.
- Convincing food manufacturers and consumers to cut back on salt.
- Promoting public awareness about good diet and exercise habits.
- Providing generic drugs for people with diabetes and those at risk of heart attacks and strokes.
- Screening and early treatment of precancerous lesions to prevent cervical cancer
- Rolling out hepatitis B immunization to prevent liver cancer.
?Compared to some of the most cost-effective interventions in health like vaccines, these are a very good buy,? said Dan Chisholm, a WHO expert on the issue. He emphasized the agency?s role was only to draw up suggestions. ?We can?t force countries to do anything.?
Even in rich countries, there hasn?t been much appetite to make major policy changes to fight chronic diseases. Europe has the world?s highest level of alcohol problems, yet in the wine-producing countries of Italy, Portugal and Spain, there is no tax on wine. In the U.K., health experts rail about the dangers of binge drinking and lament rising alcohol-related cirrhosis rates, but the government has so far refused to limit alcohol sales or hike taxes.
Fighting flab ? obesity raises the risk for most chronic diseases ? has been no easier. British chef Jamie Oliver recently called on the U.N. summit to make obesity a global human rights issue. Yet when Oliver introduced healthy lunches in a handful of British schools several years ago, children fought back by boycotting the cafeterias. Some parents even shoved hamburgers, pizza and french fries to hungry children through schoolyard fences.
Martin McKee, a public health expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said poor countries are even less willing to take on the alcohol, food and tobacco industries. ?Developing countries are heavily lobbied by industry and often represent the corporate interest, not what?s best for their citizens,? he said.
In parts of Asia, the Middle East and eastern Europe, tobacco giants including Philip Morris have worked to weaken tobacco legislation and offered to write countries? tax codes.
Last week, more than 140 health groups called on the U.N. to set guidelines to manage potential conflicts of interest in their dealings with the food and beverage industry. ?Without such safeguards, policies and recommendations will invariably be weakened to suit the interests of powerful corporations,? the coalition said in a letter to the medical journal, Lancet.
Many countries are also unwilling to turn into nanny states that closely monitor their citizens? eating, drinking and exercise. ?Addressing (chronic diseases) requires behavior change and most countries are very bad at this because it?s so complicated,? said Sophie Harman, a global health expert at City University in London.
She said most countries would likely voice support for WHO?s chronic diseases solutions but she wasn?t convinced much more would be done.
?All countries say they need to tackle these issues,? she said. ?But the implementation is difficult and then all you?re left with is the rhetoric.?
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Saturday, September 17, 2011
Bocelli marks another milestone with NYC concert (Reuters)
NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Star singer Andrea Bocelli dazzled thousands with his signature brand of pop and opera in a cold, wet night in New York City's Central Park, which will be etched in his memory as an important career milestone.
The Italian tenor considers Thursday's free concert, which 60,000 had been expected to attend, as one that keeps him squarely in the footsteps of other opera stars including Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo who also have performed on the stage of the famed park.
"Most of (my) important milestones happened in New York," the 52-year-old told Reuters through an interpreter before the concert.
Bocelli, who has sold 70 million records worldwide, has performed at other famous New York venues including Lincoln Center and Madison Square Garden. But a free concert in Central Park is always a special event for performers as well as New Yorkers.
"Things are all things one would hope for. This is something I'm doing for the city," he said.
Among the biggest concerts held in Central Park were the ones by Garth Brooks in 1997 and Paul Simon in 1991. Each of them drew more than half a million people.
Thursday's concert goers including billionaire Donald Trump were entertained for more than two hours. The music accompanied by the New York Philharmonic was a mix of well-known arias such as "La donna e mobile" and Italian and American pop songs.
Bocelli alternated his solos by singing duets with his "friends" who included sopranos Ana Maria Martinez and Pretty Yende, violinist Nicola Benedetti, bass baritone Bryn Terfel and flutist Andrea Griminelli.
He acknowledged the diverse audience which braved the inclement weather. "In spite of the rain and cold, you are heroes," he told them.
The crowd jumped to their feet late in the show when pop star Celine Dion arrived on stage in a glittery, white gown to sing a hit duet she recorded with Bocelli, "The Prayer."
That was followed by a duet of "New York, New York" with American crooner Tony Bennett, with whom Bocelli recently recorded for the first time. Their song, "Stranger in Paradise," will appear in Bennett's upcoming CD, "DUETS II".
Bocelli said he was fond of his time spent with Bennett. "I got to know about the man behind the legend," he said.
Bocelli closed out the night with his signature song "Con te partiro (Time to Say Goodbye)" and Puccini's "Nessun dorma" to standing ovations.
(Reporting by Richard Leong; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)
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Rogue trader loses $2 billion, banking giant says
GENEVA?? Switzerland's UBS said Thursday it had discovered unauthorized trading by a trader in its investment bank had caused a loss of some $2 billion.
British police said a 31-year-old man they identified as Kweku Adoboli had been arrested in connection with the case in London. The Financial Times said Adoboli was a trader in the bank's exchange traded funds business in London.
"The matter is still being investigated, but UBS's current estimate of the loss on the trades is in the range of $2 billion," the bank said in a statement just before the stock market opened.
"It is possible that this could lead UBS to report a loss for the third quarter of 2011. No client positions were affected," it added.
The FT reported that Adoboli's boss, John Hughes, may have resigned. There was no confirmation of that and a spokesman for the bank told the FT: "For the time being, we have nothing to add."
The newspaper said Adoboli and Hughes were directors in UBS's Global Synthetic Equities trading desk. ??
Story: Factbox: UBS trader joins rogues' gallery of financial crimeAdoboli's profile on the professional networking site LinkedIn showed he spent the past five years working at UBS's European Equity Trading division after three years as a trade support analyst for the bank, The Associated Press reported. He graduated from England's University of Nottingham in 2003, where he studied computer science and management.
A public records search for Adoboli showed that he lives just off of London's Brick Lane, a busy street of curry houses, bars and vintage fashion shops only a few blocks from UBS's U.K. headquarters, which was cordoned off Thursday.
UBS shares immediately tumbled 8 percent at the open and were trading down 5.8 percent at 10.30 francs at 3:14 a.m. ET, compared with a flat European banking sector index.
Tax evasion case
Peter Thorne, a London-based equities analyst at Helvea, said the loss was financially manageable for UBS, Switzerland's biggest bank.
But he said it was a blow to the reputation of UBS and its management, which oversaw heavy subprime losses during the financial crisis and an embarrassing U.S. tax evasion case in recent years.
"It is amazing that this is still possible," added ZKB trading analyst Claude Zehnder. "They obviously have a problem with risk management. Even when the amount isn't so high it is once more a loss of confidence that casts UBS in a poor light."
"With this they are losing a lot of credit that they had regained with effort," he said.
Cutting jobs
UBS had started to see client confidence return this year after it had to be rescued by the Swiss state in 2008 following massive losses on toxic assets held by its investment bank.
UBS announced last month it is to ax 3,500 jobs to shave $2.3 billion off annual costs as it joins rival investment banks in reversing the post-crisis hiring binge and preparing for a tough few years.
Investment banks worldwide have been hit by slow trading due to the debt problems in the euro zone and United States, as well as regulations aimed at forcing banks to hold more capital to protect them from future shocks after the 2008 global financial crisis.
UBS expects to book a restructuring charge due to the job cuts of some 550 million francs, and around 450 million francs of this will be booked in the second half of the year, with the majority recognized in the third quarter.
UBS isn't the first to be hit by a massive loss allegedly caused by a single rogue trader.
Societe Generale, France's second-largest bank, stunned investors in 2008 when it revealed that one of its staff had lost the bank ?4.9 billion ($6.7 billion) through a complex scheme of unauthorized trades.
The trader, Jerome Kerviel, was convicted in October 2010 on charges of forgery, breach of trust and unauthorized computer use for covering up bets worth nearly ?50 billion between late 2007 and early 2008. He was also banned for life from working in the financial industry and ordered to pay back the the vast amount he had caused his employer to lose.
Video: Rogue trader?s $7.14 billion loss (on this page)His fraud eclipsed that of previous so-called "rogue traders."
One of the most infamous was Nick Leeson, a British trader working for Barings Bank in Singapore.
He made unauthorized futures trades that lost more than $1 billion and led to the vulnerable bank's collapse in 1995.
Leeson served three-and-a-half years of a six-and-a-half year sentence in Singapore. staff, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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5 Tips To Consider When Buying Your House ... - Real Estate Blog
Buying a house from Denver Co Real Estate is about making the right choice, at the right time and at the right place. Therefore, prospective buyers are always reminded to gather as much information as they can before planning their next moves. This is very important because the information that they obtain can actually help them in making the right choices and decisions.
A very useful source of information which prospective buyers can rely on is buying tips. In fact, many tips and guides on choosing the right home are found not only in books and newspapers, but also in the internet.
Here are some useful tips that you might want to read before buying your house from the Denver Co Real Estate:
Tip Number One: It is still practical to hire an agent
The role of an agent in representing a prospective buyer is very important because he serves as a middleman. As a middleman man, it is his responsibility to help the buyer get the best deal possible. It is also his role to provide the buyer a list of different houses available at the Denver Co Real estate so that he can choose what house he prefers to have.
Tip Number Two: Financial backer is very important
While it is true that most houses sold in Colorado Real Estate are affordable, they are still cost competitive. So if you really want to buy the house of your dreams, you need to get financial support from banks or other lending institutions.
In choosing the right bank, always consider the interest that they collect in exchange for the money that they will lend you. Go for the banks with average interest rates and considerable time span within which you are required to pay.
Tip Number Three: A lawyer is important for legal advices
Since the acquisition of a house from any Colorado Real Estate involves a contract, then legal effects are usually attached to it. To make sure that the contract of sale involving the piece of land is actually valid and binding not only to the parties but also to third persons, then the services of a lawyer is necessary.
Tip Number Four: Make an overall assessment of the house
Before finally buying a house, try to assess its status and condition. Look over the house from the inside to the outside. Check if the materials used are still sturdy and if the house is still intact. Doing this is very important because once you bought the house, then you assume the burden of making the necessary renovations and improvements.
Tip Number Five: Decide what kind of house you want to have
Before buying a house, you should already have a clear idea with regard to the kind of house that you want to have. This is very-very important because it makes the option of the prospective buyer lesser and more specific.
These are just some of the tips that you can follow before finally deciding to buy a house from any Colorado Real Estate.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
At 3 sites of loss, Obama quietly honors 9/11 dead
President Barack Obama lays a wreath as the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks are observed at the Pentagon in Washington, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. At right is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
President Barack Obama lays a wreath as the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks are observed at the Pentagon in Washington, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. At right is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama lay a wreath as the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks are observed at the Pentagon in Washington, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. At right is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk to the crash site of Flight 93 during their visit to the Flight 93 National Memorial Sunday, Sept., 11, 2011, in Shanksville, Pa., on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama lay a wreath at the Wall of Names at phase 1 of the permanent Flight 93 National Memorial near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk along the Wall of Names at phase 1 of the permanent Flight 93 National Memorial near the Sept. 11 crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011, on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? On a day of serenity and remembrance, President Barack Obama honored the dead of Sept. 11 with his quiet presence Sunday at the three most tangible reminders of both the incredible loss and dauntless resilience of a country rebuilding a decade later.
At New York's ground zero, Obama touched the names of the lost etched into bronze at a memorial pool created in the footprint of one of the downed World Trade Center towers.
In a field in rural Pennsylvania, he walked the marbled Wall of Names and placed a wreath memorializing the 40 people who crashed at Shanksville after fighting back against the hijackers and driving their plane into the ground.
At the Pentagon, too, the president placed a wreath at a memorial where each of 184 victims is remembered with a bench and small reflecting pool. A brass quartet played a soulful rendition of "Amazing Grace" as the president greeted visitors to the memorial.
This was not a day centered on presidential speechmaking. Rather, Obama's principal role was simply to be there as the nation paused to remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost and ponder all that has transpired.
At a ceremony at ground zero, Obama read Psalm 46, which he chose because it speaks of perseverance through challenges.
"God is our refuge and strength," Obama intoned, "a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear."
On a sun-splashed New York morning, Obama and his wife, Michelle, first walked with former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, to the North Memorial Pool. All four touched the names etched in bronze and silently bowed their heads. They then turned to dispense greetings and hugs to family members of those who died.
This also was not a day for partisanship or rancor.
Bush gave Obama a quick nod of solidarity after the president's reading. It was the first time the two presidents had seen each other since their Rose Garden appearance after the Haiti earthquake in January 2010.
The presidents and their wives stood behind bulletproof glass during the ceremony, an indication of the tight security surrounding the day's events. In Washington, Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser convened a meeting in the Situation Room to review security precautions for the weekend.
Obama's stop in Shanksville drew spontaneous applause and chants of "USA" from those at the memorial site, where each of the 40 marble slabs is inscribed with the name of someone who died in the crash. Obama and his wife lingered at the site to pose for photos with visitors, greet children and share some quiet laughs.
"Thanks for getting bin Laden," one man called out.
The Obamas then walked to the boulder that marks the actual crash site and stood quietly together in a field of wildflowers for a time.
"I think it's just important that the president shows his support for the families that lost loved ones," said Jaleel Dyson, an 18-year-old from Washington who attends college in the area and came to pay tribute to the dead.
At the Pentagon, the Obamas took their time mingling with memorial visitors and family members of those who died, some of them wearing ribbons and T-shirts bearing the names and photos of their loved ones. For all the solemnity of the occasion, there were smiles and laughter in the crowd as well.
Obama, who was a state senator from Illinois when the hijackers struck in 2001, has called on Americans this weekend to remember and serve, and to come together toward a joint future.
"Ten years later, I'd say America came through this thing in a way that was consistent with our character," he told NBC News. "We've made mistakes. Some things haven't happened as quickly as they needed to. But overall, we took the fight to al-Qaida, we preserved our values, we preserved our character."
Obama's only other planned public remarks Sunday were to come at a memorial concert in Washington in the evening.
His goals were to acknowledge how the country has changed, such as an increased vigilance against terrorism, and the things that have stayed the same, the values of freedom and liberty that bind the country together.
In the broadcast interview, Obama recalled going home after the attacks and rocking his baby daughter, Sasha. "Our first reaction was, and continues to be, just heartbreak for the families involved. The other thing that we all remember is how America came together."
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Monday, September 12, 2011
Private Student Loans | The Money Class: Learn To Create Your ...
Suze Orman, the woman millions of Americans have turned to for financial advice, says it?s time for a serious reconsideration of the American Dream"what promise it still holds, what aspects are in need of revision, and how it must be refashioned to fit our lives so that we can once again have faith that our hard work will pay off and that a secure and hopeful future is within our reach.
In nine electrifying chapters, Orman delivers a master class on personal finance for this pivotal moment in time. She addresses every aspect of the American Dream"home, family, career, retirement. She teaches us that in order to create lasting security we must learn to stand in our truth. We must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for us today and allow that understanding to inform the choices we make. The New American Dream is not the things we accumulate, says Orman, but the confidence that comes from knowing that which we?ve worked so hard for cannot be taken away from us. In The Money Class, Orman teaches us how to take control over our present"right here, right now"in order to build the future of our dreams.
Whether navigating the complicated mix of money and family, offering the most comprehensive retirement resource available today, or delivering a bracing dose of reality when it comes to recalibrating our expectations and our goals, Orman educates us with her signature no-nonsense approach and laser-like clarity. She empowers us to live a life of integrity and honesty that will create an enduring legacy for future generations"a New American Dream that lies in truth, security, financial freedom, and peace of mind.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011
Many rewards for instructors teaching At-Risk kids to scuba dive
As a California based stunt woman and scuba instructor, I get to work on exciting movie sets with actors like Drew Barrymore, boss around LAPD Dive Team Leaders during training and swim with sharks in remote reefs around the world.? Yet my most anticipated activity every year is the Chance for Children Summer Camp.
In the early 90?s Greg Bonann, a Los Angeles County lifeguard and creator of the world famous television series Baywatch, talked about the concept of having a ?Baywatch theme related camp?.? A year after hearing him talk about the idea, Tai Collins a freelance writer for the show, spoke up. She asked Bonann if he was serious about the summer camp and he was.
Collins, with a background in mission work and after school programs, offered to help. They started the Chance For Children Summer Camp for kids who live in poverty and around gang influenced violence.? They focus on kids who could easily choose the wrong path, without productive and creative outlets to help develop and discover their dreams. Their focus became the ?at-risk? youth of inner city Los Angeles.
Gangs start recruiting kids as young as 7 years old. Statistics show that as many as fifteen million children nationwide have no place to go after school. These children are more likely to be victims of crime or to participate in bad behavior. We believe that if you give a child something positive to do, they in turn will develop the ability to dream big and learn to create goals in life.
Greg?s vision was to give these children a chance to experience the beach, fresh air, and a place to run. He wanted them to learn to swim, be water safe, have knowledge of CPR, and have happy memories to hold on to.
About seven years ago, Eileen Kenny, one of my scuba diving students and close friend, told me about her volunteer work at the Chance For Children Camp.
Coming from a formal ?Eastern Block? Country (Hungary), I often feel the need to share my fortune with those less fortunate and asked Eileen to talk with the camp organizers about bringing SCUBA into their camp.
The following summer I invited my diver friends and fellow instructors to come and help me introduce the 30-40 kids, in the camp, to the underwater world and share our love for the oceans with them. ?I also approached my training organization, PADI to donate towels and scuba toys for the event. Everybody was excited and on board with my plan to give back to our community and to do something for the pure joy of others, rather than making profit.
When our team of ten divers, with a variety of scuba experience (ranging from freshly certified to PADI Course Director), showed up for the first year at the Chance For Children Camp, I was not sure what to expect.? But I immediately felt overwhelmed with the power of the adventure.
Some of the teenage kids have lived their whole lives in Los Angeles and have never been to the beach, never had a bathing suit and consequently never learned how to swim. ?Yet, they did not hesitate a moment to believe that we would keep them safe and they jumped into the pool upon our invitation.
Our Divemasters and Instructors from Ocean Adventures took one child at a time, explained the basic fundamentals of scuba, practiced the underwater signals we use to communicate, held their little hands and took off for their first scuba encounter.
Many of the kids were fearless and were willing to immediately submerse themselves in the pool. Their reactions to the weightless underwater world was a joy to watch. ?Many of them emerged from the water with the biggest smiles I have ever seen.
Others were more hesitant and pointed their thumbs up after a few fin kicks. ?This is the signal for ?let?s go up?. ?After a few reassuring words like, ?you are doing great,? they were ready to go back under and indulge in their underwater environment. ?I think they just wanted to make sure we were really paying attention to their needs and not ignoring them. Once they felt safe and in good hands, their bodies and dispositions would relax.? Then, usually within minutes, they wanted to venture towards the deep end of the pool.
The difference between teaching privileged and underprivileged children to scuba dive is something I have always had hard time explaining to someone who never experienced it first hand. To many of the fortunate kids, it is just one of the numerous activities their parents scheduled for the summer.? But for many of the ?at-risk? kids, that same one hour of underwater practice is one the best things to have ever happened to them.
In some strange way I feel that I get more out of the interaction with these kids than they do. This is the seventh year my friends and I participated with the Chance For Children Camp. ?Helping these kids overcome their fears and doing something nice for them fills me with warm satisfaction that money can not buy. ?For some reason, I do not get that same fuzzy feeling when teaching children of the same age who were born to more fortunate families.? I have come to realize that ?at-risk? children have the ability to be happier and feel more appreciative than their more fortunate counterparts.
We also talk with them about our lives, telling them stories of our amazing adventures and reinforcing the philosophy evoked by Winston Churchill?s famous words ?Never, never, never give up!? ??A while ago, inspired by this summer camp, I created a ?Never Give Up? dog tag necklace. Much more than just beautiful accessory, this inspirational jewelry is very meaningful to me. ?While other jewelry genres may be used just for fashion or fun, inspirational jewelry can also hold special meaning for its owner. The mind is a powerful tool. ??Believe something and it can happen.
Over the years Tai and Greg have watched their dream blossom. ?They have now watched a generation of youth grow into adulthood, seeing the lives they have touched and changed firsthand. ?One of the things they are most proud of is that the majority of their volunteers are young people who have come through the program and then return to give something back.?? They know the powerful impact that this camp can have on a child?s life.
The Chance For Children Foundation is dedicated to giving children the opportunity to understand their potential in life. ?We know that kids may go where there is excitement? but they stay where there is love. Interested helping? Read more about the organization:
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