Wednesday, April 17, 2013

'Veronica Mars': Expect fast filming, slick cast

By Drusilla Moorhouse, TODAY contributor

The "Veronica Mars" movie project concluded its wildly successful Kickstarter campaign April 12, raking in a record-setting $5.7 million in pledges. ?So now what?

Michael Desmond / AP file

Fans came through on Kickstarter to support a "Veronica Mars" movie.

Marshmallows are going to get s'mores!

("Marshmallows" is star Kristen Bell's affectionate name for fans, based on a line from the series' pilot.)

And not just s'more "Mars": The campaign's more than 91,000 contributors -- the most project backers in Kickstarter history -- will receive additional rewards (exclusive stickers) in addition to the incentives promised for specific donation amounts.

WHO: Nearly everyone who used to be friends, a long time ago. Besides Bell herself, fans can count on most of Veronica's Scooby gang to join her on the big screen. Based on official confirmations, comments from creator Rob Thomas and the actors' own Twitter accounts, that includes Keith Mars (Enrico Colantoni), Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring) and Dick Casablancas (Ryan Hansen) -- all of whom appeared in the Kickstarter launch video. Wallace (Percy Daggs III), Weevil (Francis Capra) and Deputy Leo (Max Greenfield, now starring on "New Girl") have all tweeted encouraging messages.

Thomas also confirmed to Wired that Ken Marino will reprise his role as slick PI Vinnie Van Lowe -- and even joked in the Kickstarter video that he would resurrect Lily Kane: " There's gotta be a way to write Amanda Seyfried into the movie. I mean, there's dead-dead and then there's TV dead."

WHAT: "The movie title is going to simply be 'Veronica Mars,'" Thomas tweeted, offering up a few cheeky sequel suggestions ("The Password to Lockspur Lane" or "Electric Boogaloo"). He's already written the first draft of the script, which will center around Neptune High's 10-year reunion. The series' end coincided with Veronica's last investigation, and as Thomas ominously told Wired, "Not only that was the last time she worked a case, but she left Neptune shortly there after. She ruins her father?s career as an officer of the law, and he gets indicted."

When the movie begins, Veronica is a recent graduate of Columbia Law School, "waiting to take the bar, and interviewing with law firms," said Thomas. "But then something happens in Neptune that pulls her back, and makes her metaphorically pick up her magnifying glass again."

WHERE: Neptune, obviously! Actually, Thomas said the film will likely shoot in San Diego, where the original series was filmed. The gang is also headed to San Diego Comic-Con in July, hosting a party for fans and possibly (fingers crossed!) hosting a panel at the actual convention.

WHEN: Filming begins this summer for a 2014 release.

WHY: Do you need to ask? If so, carve out some time to marathon the entire series. You won't regret it!

HOW: Well, $6 million helps -- along with the backing of the studio. Warner Bros just began running web ads congratulating Thomas and Bell on the success of the movie's fundraising campaign.

What do you hope to see in the big-screen version of "Veronica Mars"? Share your dreams and congrats on our Facebook page!

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