Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Catholic League President Slams Dan Savage as the Ultimate Bully

Catholic League President Bill Donohue is not having any of Dan Savage's apology.

On Friday, the gay rights activist delivered the keynote addresses at the National High School Journalism Conference in Seattle, saying - while making a general point about how Christians look past plenty of passages in the Bible, most notably those promoting slavery - that folks should “learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people.”

In response, a handful of students walked out on the speech and Savage has faced criticism from a number of organizations.

Savage has since clarified certain remarks, specifically saying he regrets referring to the students who left his lecture as making a "pansy-ass move," acknowledging this is a form of bullying.

But is he sorry for the message he was trying to send? No.

“If believers can ignore what the Bible says about slavery, they can ignore what the Bible says about homosexuality," Savage has reiterated as the crux of his point.

But none of that is enough for Donohue. He has released a statement that castigates Savage for a "history of making... vile, disgusting and bigoted remarks" and says:

Ironically, Savage’s bullying of Christian students was done in the name of protesting the bullying of homosexuals. When it comes to bullying, Savage has no peer. We hope the Obama administration, which has welcomed him to the White House, takes note.

What do YOU think, THGers? Does Savage owe Christians more of an apology?

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